Saturday, November 20, 2004

Let the blogging begin!!!

I am glad to be a member of the ever growing blog world . I have a lot to say and no one dares to stop me from saying it. Let the blogging begin!!!

I would like to thank the Deaniacs for getting me interested in blogging! Way to go dudes and dudettes! Now shut up and roll me a doobie you Berkeley/Santa Cruz liberal hippies!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The Ramblings & Misspellings of a Simple Man.

Wow! A barrage of facts and numbers, I am a simple man and I look at the world with the same affection. I do not know what "Morality” means and by whose definition it is "Defined". What I do know is that hypocrisy is the veil that covers the eyes of those who embrace this “Popular" definition of Morality.
This Morality roughly consists of crying "OUTRAGE" when a single breast of shown during a NFL game in the mist of all the Viagra and Livetra ads and staying mute when our children are showered daily with images of violence (e.g.Iraq War LIVE). Excuse me, what a generalization! But I am only a simple man with a simple mind.

One thing I learned from this election is that the American vote is CHEAP! And those that whiled this sword of change are simply sheep seeking the next Shepard to lead them to the next green pasture, even if the Shepard is really a wolf in shipyards clothing. So does anyone know if sheep think or just follow?

So in my mind the question is how to we educate the sheep? How do we teach them to remove the veil over their eyes? How to we teach our fellow citizens in the "Middle" of our beloved land mass to read deeper between the lines. How do we teach them to question their freedom and not get their state of freedom from the mass media? Or am I just as simple minded as the middle country folk?

I find it ironic that in a nation so powerful and free. The most watched news show is on "Comedy Central". How about that for a Morality check 